Though the temperature was still below freezing it was a beautiful clear morning when we arrived at Wears Chapel, off Ryland Pike. I had seen Brother Rolland many times at the MBA Pastors' conference and he is also the main cook when they have their semi-annual fish fry events.
Shortly before 10:00 we entered the building with another nice couple who directed us to where we needed to go. Everyone met in the Sanctuary for a short period of assembly before dismissing to their respective classes. Our class, taught by Jim Payne, met in an open section right at the back of the sanctuary, though not really part of the main area. Our lesson came out of Deuteronomy and the theme was Generous Giving which most everyone could benefit from. He did a good job and knew the Scripture and pertinent history well. We then moved about forty feet to a seat in the sanctuary. In the pew back in front of us was the church's A/C system. Not really, but it sure did make for a great picture!
As we waited for the service to start, I was admiring the beautiful stained glass windows in the church. Many friendly people made their way over to greet us during this time as well. We might have dismissed from Sunday School a bit early because just as we got seated in the sanctuary I heard a bell going off. It sounded just like one of those old timey bells shaped like the liberty bell and that is just what it was. Brother Roland informed me that his wife was ringing the bell to signal the end of Sunday School.
Our message for the morning came out of 1st Corinthians and was connected to the Lord's Supper which we later shared. When the service was over Brother Rolland and his wife came over and we talked for awhile about many things one being that he was about to celebrate his 20th year there. He invited us to lunch and as much as I hated to, we had to take a raincheck as the afternoon would be filled with much preparation for Monday's events. Both he and his wife seem to be such great folks and he had a pretty good sense of humor as well. I hope we get another chance to take them up on the lunch in the future.