Cornerstone Baptist Church (TN) - 2/5/2012

It used to be called Hilldale Baptist Church; now it's Cornerstone Baptist Church, which is actually located across the Tennessee line.  We decided to make this church our next in the visitation rounds after I spoke with Pastor Danny Green at the Transformational Church Conference we recently attended.  Ron Lynch had mentioned to me about the good work going on up there a few months ago. 

The church was very easy to find and we arrived shortly before 9:00 for Sunday School.  We were led downstairs where most of the classrooms were located, as well as the fellowship hall.  Everyone was enjoying some food and time of fellowship before things got started.  Many came up and introduced themselves and the pastor's wife, Sherry, was the first. 

Brother Danny gave us a quick tour of the downstairs before class started.  I went into a men's class taught by Leith Konyndyk, where we were in the final weeks of the Courageous Bible study.  He did a fine job and shared some illustrations from his own life.  Denise's class was taught by Sherry Green and they were also studying from a Courageous Bible study. 
After the bell for Sunday School rang we all dismissed and went upstairs to the sanctuary.  I noticed the place was in great shape with much room to expand as there was a balcony.  The music was contemporary and pretty good.  Brother Danny brought a message out of 1 Kings where the people were challenged to make up their minds on who to serve.  The message came after the serving of the Lord's Supper.  Afterwards Denise and I met with Brother Danny and a couple more of the church's leaders for a time of prayer and discussion concerning the possibility of us serving there.   

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